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The New Name in Heating

Haier are proud to introduces its new high temperature R290 heating range, which includes the all new Super Aqua A2W Monobloc, All-In-One, Hydrosplit and Heat Pump Water Heaters. Having this wide range within the portfolio gives our installers flexible application and installation options for both space heating and domestic hot water.

The Haier Air to Water Heat Pump range uses free renewable energy from the outside air as a heat source for space heating and providing domestic hot water. This energy efficient and environmentally friendly solution substantially reduces energy consumption, running cost and CO₂ emissions in heating compared to conventional oil and gas boilers.

Discover the Range

Transform any space with our range of Heating and Cooling Solutions

Verwandeln Sie jeden Raum mit unserem Sortiment an Heiz- und Kühllösungen

Unser europäisches Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und Klimatisierungsunternehmen (HVAC) dient seinen Kunden seit über 30 Jahren. Als europaweit tätiges Unternehmen sind wir stolz darauf, beispiellosen Kundenservice und -support zu bieten, einschließlich Kundendienst und technische Unterstützung. Begleiten Sie uns auf unserem Weg zur Gestaltung eines komfortablen und effizienten Raumklimas für alle.

A wide range of solutions to answer your needs


With easy configuration and high performance, Haier MRV Commercial range offers a wide range of applications for large buildings, hotels, hospitals and much more. 

Haier Commercial & Industrial HVAC range propose robust, efficient, and scalable heating, ventilation, and air conditioning for extensive and demanding environments for larger business spaces. The systems are designed to provide comfortable air to places such as factories, warehouses, large office buildings, data centers, and other large commercial or industrial facilities. 

These systems, including VRF units, Chillers and much more, are built to handle higher loads, operate efficiently under demanding conditions, and ensure optimal climate control across vast areas.

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Residential CTA

Haier proposes Residential solutions, designed to offer ultimate comfort and flexibility for all home applications.

Haier HVAC Residential Solutions are designed to create a comfortable indoor environment by maintaining desired temperature and humidity levels, improving indoor air quality, and ensuring efficient energy use in your house. Packed with high-end functionalities, our range of units is able to match every needs of different types and sizes of homes, from small apartments to large multi-story house.

The Smart Features such as connectivity to our hOn App, voice control, I Feel and more, allow a personalised experience to make sure you have the air that you need, exactly when you need it. 

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Haier Light Commercial systems have been designed specifically to provide clean air, ease of use and comfort to all small shops and offices occupants.

Haier Light Commercial systems, offering heating, ventilation, and air conditioning solutions, are designed for small to medium-sized commercial spaces. 
These ranges, including Cassettes, Consoles or Ducted units, are tailored to meet the needs of businesses such as retail stores, restaurants, small offices, and similar environments where efficient, reliable climate control is essential but the scale is not as large as in industrial or large commercial settings

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Heating Home Page

At Haier, we have developed a wide range of Heating Solutions, offering good energy efficiency and premium fonctionalities for all kind of applications. 

Haier Heating Solutions range encompasses a variety of systems designed to meet diverse needs in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. These solutions, including Heat Pump Water Heaters, Solar Solutions, Air-to-Water Heat Pumps, and more, propose different types of equipment that use various technologies to make sure to provide efficient and effective heating.

Each of these heating solutions can be tailored to specific needs, whether for a single-family home, a commercial building, or an industrial facility. They are designed to provide comfort, efficiency, and reliability, with options to suit different climates, and building types.

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Innovative und intelligente Lösungen

Wir streben unablässig nach Innovation und sind bestrebt, den Wandel anzuführen. Mit unserer breiten Palette an HVAC-Lösungen liefern wir führende Klimalösungen, um die Leistung mit unseren brandneuen Technologie- und Produktfortschritten zu optimieren.


Unsere Lösungen sind energieeffizient und ermöglichen Ihnen Kosteneinsparungen.

Intelligente hOn-Technologie

Wir nutzen die neueste Technologie in unseren Produkten und bieten Ihnen eine breite Palette an Funktionen.

Flexible Lösungen

Wir verfügen über eine Reihe flexibler Installationslösungen für alle Umstände.

Breite Anwendungen

Wir liefern führende Klimalösungen zur Optimierung der Leistung mit unseren brandneuen Technologie- und Produktfortschritten.

Latest Updates and News


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In der Stadt Nizza an der französischen Riviera war das neu errichtete Kulturzentrum 109 auf der Suche nach einem umfassenden HLK-System, um den vielfältigen Anforderungen des Gebäudes gerecht zu werden.

Vom 8. bis 10. Oktober 2024 war Haier HVAC Solutions zum zweiten Mal auf der renommierten Chillventa-Messe in Nürnberg vertreten und feierte gleichzeitig sein 40-jähriges Jubiläum.

Haier HVAC Solution freut sich darauf, Besucher auf der InstallerSHOW2024 begrüßen zu dürfen, die vom 25. bis 27. Juni stattfindet (Stand 5E22).



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In Veendam, einer Stadt im Nordosten der Niederlande, hat sich das Premium-Küchenstudio Luit Windt vor Kurzem dazu entschieden, von seiner alten Gaskesselanlage auf eine umweltfreundlichere Lösung umzusteigen.

In der Stadt Nizza an der französischen Riviera war das neu errichtete Kulturzentrum 109 auf der Suche nach einem umfassenden HLK-System, um den vielfältigen Anforderungen des Gebäudes gerecht zu werden.