How can you ensure the air you're breathing is fresh, clean and pollution & allergen free?
How can you ensure the air you're breathing is fresh, clean and pollution & allergen free?

Haier’s innovative Jade system is your answer; our R&D teams have developed a sleek 2in1 purifier and air conditioning solution, which captures 99.9% of airborne particles down to 0.3 microns. The Jade system is ideal for any season of the year, to help you maintain clean air for a healthier environment whilst maintaining a comfortable indoor air temperature and humidity.
Increasingly, clean air is a prerequisite in our homes. The tranquility that pathogen free air gives us is a key benefit of having a Jade Air Conditioning system in your home. In addition, it is the quietest machine on the market, only 15dB (A), it has a Smart-Sensor and comes Wi-Fi enabled, all with an incredible energy efficiency of A+++. The Jade is available as a 1:1 solution or a multi-system for flexible applications.
Our R&D teams have developed a sleek 2in1 purifier and air conditioning solution, which captures 99.9% of airborne particles down to 0.3 microns.
Les effets combinés de la pollution de l'air ambiant (extérieur) et domestique provoquent environ sept millions de décès prématurés chaque année, en grande partie en raison de l'augmentation de la mortalité due aux accidents vasculaires cérébraux, aux maladies cardiaques, aux maladies pulmonaires obstructives chroniques, aux cancers du poumon et aux infections respiratoires aiguës. Selon des recherches récentes, l'air de la maison est 5 à 7 fois plus pollué que celui présent à l'extérieur.
La pollution atmosphérique étant de plus en plus présente dans nos environnements, réduire notre exposition à l'air pollué n'a jamais été aussi important. Lorsque vous respirez, inhalez des polluants tels que les PM2,5, cela peut provoquer des malaises et des maladies pulmonaires ou cardiaques. Outre la pollution atmosphérique, de nombreuses personnes dans le monde souffrent d'allergies, d'asthme et sont sensibles au pollen, aux spores de moisissures, à la fumée, au gaz et aux produits chimiques.
En reconnaissance de la pollution qui prévaut dans nos maisons, nous avons fait des recherches et conçu le système Jade pour aider à lutter contre ces problèmes.
Le diamètre de tous les virus, bactéries et spores présents dans l'air est mesuré à 0,3 micron. Le système innovant tout en un Jade de Haier est certifié et testé pour capturer les particules de 0,3µm dans l'air.
En outre, le purificateur et climatiseur Jade est livré avec plusieurs fonctions intégrées qui améliorent encore ce système.
Cleancool™ - Fonction auto-nettoyante.
Pendant le fonctionnement, la saleté s'accumule dans l'unité intérieure. Si l'unité intérieure n'est pas nettoyée régulièrement, la saleté accumulée réduit l'efficacité de 15 à 30 % et favorise la prolifération des bactéries et des moisissures. La fonction d'auto-nettoyage de Haier garantit la propreté du système et le maintien d'une efficacité élevée.
During operation, dirt accumulates in the indoor unit. If the indoor unit is not cleaned regularly, accumulated dirt reduces the efficiency by 15-30% and promotes the proliferation of bacteria and mould. Haier’s self-clean function ensures the system is clean and efficiency remains high.
The new Self Clean technology is the first of its kind to integrate the self-cleaning function of both the Indoor and the outdoor unit.
It starts with cleaning the evaporator, then switches to cleaning the condenser without stopping the compressor. The layer of frost that forms on the evaporator/condenser generates a strong force of cold expansion that easily removes dirt from the surface. Low-angle hydrophilic aluminium foil speeds up water drainage by 20%. The fins coating contains silver nanoparticles capable of effectively killing 99% of the bacteria by inhibiting their proliferation.
The new ‘Steri-Clean’ function enhances the ‘Self-Clean’ function. It works by heating the heat exchanger up to 56 deg C which kill harmful bacteria. This is followed by the rapid cooling of the heat exchanger. This sudden temperature change strengthens the sterilisation effect. The silver ion coated fins also help the antibacterial rate to reach up to 98%.
Although not all microbes compromise air quality and cause disease, some can harm our health. The Jade’s Hygienecool™ and Puricool™ functions prevent, inhibit and eliminate the growth and spread of mould, bacteria, pollutants and allergens.
The PuriCool™ function uses an innovative iFD filter to eliminate all pollutants and allergens present in the air with an efficiency of up to 99.9% while enjoying comfort cooling and clean air. The JADE system uses “Static Electricity Absorption” with 6818 holes and 8180cm2 contact surface to capture every tiny airborne hazard and purifying the whole room within 15 minutes.

The Jade’s HygieneCool™ "function incorporates silver nanoparticles in the main components to prevent mould and bacterial growth that can be spread in the air.
Silver nanoparticles continuously release small amounts of silver ions to ensure protection against mould and bacteria. The use of silver nanoparticles in the components through which the air passes, eliminates mould and bacteria up to 99.9%.
It is important to remember that a clean heat exchanger promotes clean air while enjoying comfort cooling. A properly maintained iFD filter is highly effective for capturing and trapping impurities in the air. When the filter is dirty after prolonged use, it can be washed. This not only save money but protects the environment by purifying the air you breath.
And that’s not all! Even the outer cover of the Jade indoor unit is loaded with antibacterial chemical elements that help eliminate any possibility of creation and proliferation of bacteria on the surface.

The Jade can tell you when your air quality is good or bad, detecting and removing dust and allergens from your home. A high-definition sensor is installed on the suction grid that detects the presence of dust and allergens in the air and displays information on the screen in real time. When the air quality is good, the green light is turned on. When it is poor, the red alarm light is turned on.
Smart Sensor - The intelligent sensor detects the condition of the air and the movement of people in real time. It automatically adjusting the operating mode of the purifier / air conditioner to improve energy efficiency and optimises user experience.
Haier Smart Air 2 - The Haier Smart Air 2 app enables you to intelligently control the system for maximum comfort in your living space with your phone or tablet.
Inverter Plus - Compared to conventional inverter technology, Haier Inverter Plus integrates the inverter's TLFM, PID and A-PAM controls to get intelligent control of the Jade purifier/air conditioner while achieving maximum comfort, reliability, and highly efficient performance.
Whispering Air – Haier’s Jade system is the quietest machine on the market at only 15dB (A), so you can enjoy blissful comfort cooling.
Easy Installation - Installation is extremely simple. This allows the installer to work more effectively by performing a quick and safe assembly, drastically reducing installation times.
Voice Control - Through your Google Home voice assistant you can control your new Jade purifier / air conditioning system. To use this function, you need to make sure that the devices are connected to the Wi-Fi network.
*Data tested on the 9000 BTU models of the Jade series,