Haier’s art competition has a Pearl of an idea
Haier’s art competition has a Pearl of an idea

Art and design students in Spain have been invited to take part in a unique challenge by Haier HVAC Solutions to create a vinyl work of art for a panel on the new Pearl air conditioning range.
Eighty students are taking part in the competition which has attracted interest from the two leading design schools – the Official Center for Higher Studies Barreira A + D in Valencia and the ESNE University Center in Madrid.
With its modern matt white panel finish, comparable to that of a canvas, the Pearl range not only provides the ideal surface for a work of art but is also the perfect solution for any living or small office space as a single or multi room application.
The competition highlights the importance that Haier places on the design of its products and involving the next generation to raise awareness of the HVAC industry. Haier Product Manager Liberto Sánchez said: “Hand in hand with two leading design schools in Spain, we wanted to turn our best air conditioning solutions into canvasses, collaborate with education, promote young talent and explore creativity. The response from the students has been overwhelming.”
“The collaboration has been enriching and fluid. Haier has supported the students and provided them with information in the different phases of design. For the students it has been very valuable to analyse and design colour and texture proposals for different types of users and spaces."
The students have been given a free theme for the design of the panel, but in doing so are asked to put themselves in the shoes of the consumer. There will be a first and second prize Haier scholarship awarded to the two winners.
Javier Sanz from ESNE's Official University Degree in Product Design said: “The collaboration has been enriching and fluid. Haier has supported the students and provided them with information in the different phases of design. For the students it has been very valuable to analyse and design colour and texture proposals for different types of users and spaces."
Staff at the Barreira A + D believe the project brings the students closer to the world of work. There are plans to allow the public to have a say on their favourite designs in the competition in a national vote through social media.
The new Pearl conditioning system is the perfect initiative for this as the range sets the standard for comfort cooling and heating. It offers greater protection against airborne health hazards, features innovative self-clean technology and comes with an in-built wi-fi module giving the user complete flexibility and control.
The simple, yet elegant Pearl features Haier’s newly-certified UVC Generator which has proven to be effective in inhibiting the Covid-19 virus with a 99.998 per cent efficiency.
For more information on Haier new Pearl system visit: