43006 Tarragona
The Exposed Type Console offers double air delivery (upper and lower), compact and elegant design, silent operation, DC inverter fan motor and 5 fan speeds only selectable with wired controller YR-E16B and YR-E17A.
In heating mode: both outputs are enabled, to spread hot air at floor level preventing the "cold feet" effect typical of only higher deliveries. By acting on the on-board selector it is possible to inhibit the lower output in heating mode.
In cooling mode: The unit works only with the top delivery, the lower output automatically closes.
The Ducted Fixed Flow is an MRV Indoor unit that offers and automatic system to maintain nominal air flow, offsetting duct losses of up to 200 PA. It has a useful Static pressure up to 200 Pa with automatic selection.
The Ducted Fixed Flow gives maximum flexibility for the construction of air distribution ducts thanks to its standard condensate drain pump, its DC inverter fan motor and fans able to switch between 5 speeds (only selectable with wired controller YR-E16B and YR-E17A).